Wednesday, March 30, 2011


those birthday candles every year. the first star of the night sky, or that shooting star over your head. that four-leaf clover you found while playing in the grass. the bigger half of the wishbone. blowing away a fallen eyelash. seeing the clasp of your necklace break. blowing away all the seeds off a dandelion. picking up a penny that was heads up.

please do your job. make the wishes of all those who care to dream happen.

you'd be surprised what could come true...

"i wish i may, i wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight" <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


i finally did it. something i've been waiting to do for 3 years. GET MY TATTOO!
i've wanted so many for so long, and i finally went with a friend. we went to Living Color in downtown Ottawa, where i've gotten an industrial and a labret piercing before. i was super excited and couldn't wait! obviously, when jamie (the tattoo artist) started to clean my foot, i got nervous.
it hurt soooo much! i mean, there's no fat, all bone and nerves. she described it as "scratching a sunburn really hard with your nails".... pretty accurate i would say. but it was worth it!
best quote from me during the experience: "omfg, that one hurt. uuugh, i could give child birth after this!"

needless to say, it looks amazing and i am in love with it.

xo Jay

Monday, March 28, 2011

starting fresh.

i used to have a blog on here from a year or so ago.
i decided to delete all those posts because i was different back then, and i posted a different type of blog than i want to now. i want to express my random thoughts and inquiries floating around in my mind that no one wants to listen to at home. as positive as possible, i want to just babble and rant of those things that impact my life or intrigue my senses for whatever reason.
it's strange to start all over at two in the morning one random spring night, but i've decided i need this. as my outlet for my restlessness. for my creativity when the bug bites. for my concerns or woes when i need to vent.

this could be the beginning of a new internet addiction.

xo jay.