Tuesday, March 29, 2011


i finally did it. something i've been waiting to do for 3 years. GET MY TATTOO!
i've wanted so many for so long, and i finally went with a friend. we went to Living Color in downtown Ottawa, where i've gotten an industrial and a labret piercing before. i was super excited and couldn't wait! obviously, when jamie (the tattoo artist) started to clean my foot, i got nervous.
it hurt soooo much! i mean, there's no fat, all bone and nerves. she described it as "scratching a sunburn really hard with your nails".... pretty accurate i would say. but it was worth it!
best quote from me during the experience: "omfg, that one hurt. uuugh, i could give child birth after this!"

needless to say, it looks amazing and i am in love with it.

xo Jay

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