Saturday, April 30, 2011

bucket list: day 8

It's been just over a week with this bucket list!

First off, I've already finished a couple things, and am in the process of finishing others.  I have mailed a letter through snail mail, but it was for a company, so I'm going to do another one... probably for mother's day since it's around the corner.  Also, I have broke a law, but nothing extravagant enough for my liking! I'll find something better to do. I have an idea that would be awesome. I have finished one of my books so far, Hate List, and am almost finished my second, Living Dead Girl, which isn't a very long book but awesome so far. I have started watching "Weeds" from beginning to be my tv show marathon from A to Z... not even through the first season yet, but I have plenty of time! I'm slowly getting into better shape, biking places whenever I can and doing my best to choose water over pop and things like that; it's hard but I'm slowly doing it.

Sadly, after only a couple days of taking photos each day, my camera broke!! :(
So until I get a camera to take photos with, or have some other clever alternative, I'm going to upload photos that remind of of my day or something that happened... so here are the photos from the last eight days, including today, in order.

I can definitely say that these stupid photos will not line up the way I want them to! But oh well.... what you gonna do?

8 days down, 92 left to go.


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