Friday, April 15, 2011

wishing back my childhood.

ice cream competitions to see who has the most rolos in their ice cream cone.
competing for the better position at work.

building a fort out of nothing but blankets, pillows, and couch cushions.
stepping into your first apartment.

trying to catch fireflies in a mason jar in the middle of the night.
going out to the best club/bar in town.

staying up all night to watch your favourite tv show.
staying up all night to finish your twelve page paper, due in six hours.

working hard at school to make your parents proud.
working hard at school to keep your scholarship.

calling everyone in your class your friends.
joining a sorority and making a whole new group of life-long friends.

fighting with someone for cheating at tag.
getting into a fight with your significant other for god knows why.

watching the clock, just waiting for recess to start.
staring at the clock, waiting to get home, and maybe take a nap. 

eating so much candy that your tongue is multi-coloured and your cheeks ache.
...... well, some things never change. <3

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