Thursday, April 7, 2011

RIP Greek :(

Well boys and girls, one of my favourite shows has come to a rushed end, creating a sense of confusion for me... Why would they end an amazing show when it had so much left to discuss? Will it be gone forever? Will there be a spin off? What happens to everyone? What am I supposed to do during my evenings?!  This show has been my escape for about the last month, when I started back from the beginning and going through, two or three episodes at a time.

I am saddened for the fact you feel so close to all the characters they create... they did an amazing job. Cappy is the guy you've always wanted, Casey is the girl you wish you were (mistakes and all), Ashleigh is the best friend you always wanted (same with Calvin), Rusty is your brotha from anotha motha, Evan and Rebecca keep everything interesting, and Dale is... well, Dale!

This was a show that showed a different side of college life. Being in the Greek world myself, I had an even more personal feel within the show. I don't wanna have too much of a spoiler for those who have not seen the finale, but let me just tell you i teared up... It was SO. SAD!

What did you like about it, other than it's pure awesomeness?


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