Tuesday, May 10, 2011

bye, for now.

i'm not going to be posting on here for a while...
there are a couple reasons for this.

one. i know if i do post anything, i may feel bad about it later. not that i'll regret it. i don't believe in regrets.
two. everything is fucked up right now. so my mind is else where.
three. no one reads this anyway, so why would it even matter?

i might post again to say how my bucket list turned out.... but then again, we'll see.

tata, boys and girls.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Famous Greeks!

I am a proud member of Xi Delta Theta, the number one sorority in Ottawa! With this under my belt, I believe great things come from the greek community... here's a short list of some influential and important people who are in sororities or fraternities!


Rosa Parks - Alpha Kappa Alpha (Mother of the Civil Rights Movement)
Julia Louis Dreyfuss - Delta Gamma (Actress, Elaine on Seinfeld)
Florence Henderson - Delta Zeta (Actress)
Jennifer Garner - Pi Beta Phi (Actress)
Grace Coolidge - Pi Beta Phi (Former First Lady)
Margaret Chase Smith - Sigma Kappa (1st US Woman Senator)
Anita Turpeau Anderson - Zeta Phi Beta (First woman on Howard Univ. debate team)
Condoleeza Rice - Alpha Chi Omega (National Security Advisor)
Coretta Scott King - Alpha Kappa Alpha (Wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Ruth Whitney - Alpha Chi Omega (Past editor and Chief of Glamour Magazine)
Betsy Finley Ashton - Alpha Chi Omega (Author and TV Reporter)
Linda Cavanaugh Clark - Alpha Chi Omega (News Anchor/Journalist)
Carole Warner - Alpha Delta Pi (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Maude McLure Kelley - Alpha Delta Pi (First woman lawyer in Alabama)
Judith Resnik - Alpha Epsilon Phi (Astronaut)
Gladys Knight - Alpha Kappa Alpha (Singer)
Jada Pinkett Smith - Alpha Kappa Alpha (Actress)
Alicia Keys - Alpha Kappa Alpha (honorary sister, singer)
Star Jones - Alpha Kappa Alpha (Host of the View and former District Attorney)
Eleanor Roosevelt  - Alpha Kappa Alpha (former First Lady of the U.S.)
Lucy Liu - Chi Omega (Actress)
Molly Sims - Delta Delta Delta (Supermodel)
Aretha Franklin - Delta Sigma Theta (Singer)
Katie Couric - Delta Delta Delta (CBS)
Cheryl Crow - Kappa Alpha Theta (singer)
Carrie Underwood - Sigma Sigma Sigma (singer)


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr - Alpha Phi Alpha (Civil Rights Activist)
Ashton Kutcher - Delta Chi (Actor)
Benjamin Harrison - Delta Chi (Former President of the United States)
Harry S. Truman - Lambda Chi Alpha (Former U.S. President)
Kenny Chesney  - Lambda Chi Alpha (Musician)
Michael Jordan - Omega Psi Phi (Former basketball player)
Rev. Jessie Jackson, Sr - Omega Psi Phi (Civil Rights Activist)
Cheech Marin - Phi Sigma Kappa (Cheech & Chong)
Nick Lachey - Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Actor/Singer)
Brad Pitt - Sigma Chi (Actor)
Ronald Reagan - Tau Kappa Epsilon (Former U.S. President)
William Durand    - Acacia (NASA Pioneer)
Alfonse D'Amato - Alpha Chi Rho (Senator)
Chuck Norris - Alpha Delta Gamma (Famous Actor)
Ben Stein - Alpha Delta Phi (Actor, commentator, host)
Richard Lewis - Alpha Epsilon Pi (Actor/Comedian)
Mark Zuckerberg - Alpha Epsilon Pi (creator of The Facebook, graduating Harvard)
Orville Redenbacker - Alpha Gamma Rho (Popcorn Guru)
Lionel Richie - Alpha Phi Alpha (Singer)
Frank Sinatra - Alpha Phi Delta (Singer/Actor/Entertainer)
Tony Danza - Alpha Phi Delta (Actor)
Bill Clinton - Alpha Phi Omega (Former U.S. President)
George Ferris Chi Phi (Inventor of the Ferris Wheel)
Adam West  - Beta Theta Pi (Actor - The Original Batman)
Kevin Costner - Delta Chi (Actor/Director)
George H.W. Bush - Delta Kappa Epsilon (Former U.S. President)
George W. Bush - Delta Kappa Epsilon (Former U.S. President)
Gerald Ford - Delta Kappa Epsilon (Former U.S. President)
Will Ferrell - Delta Tau Delta (Actor)
David Spade - Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Actor)
Neil Armstrong - Phi Delta Theta (Astronaut)
Lee Ducat - Delta Phi Epsilon (Founder, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation)

There are so many more, but here are some that stuck out to me, whether it was their name of what they have done :)


Saturday, April 30, 2011

bucket list: day 8

It's been just over a week with this bucket list!

First off, I've already finished a couple things, and am in the process of finishing others.  I have mailed a letter through snail mail, but it was for a company, so I'm going to do another one... probably for mother's day since it's around the corner.  Also, I have broke a law, but nothing extravagant enough for my liking! I'll find something better to do. I have an idea that would be awesome. I have finished one of my books so far, Hate List, and am almost finished my second, Living Dead Girl, which isn't a very long book but awesome so far. I have started watching "Weeds" from beginning to be my tv show marathon from A to Z... not even through the first season yet, but I have plenty of time! I'm slowly getting into better shape, biking places whenever I can and doing my best to choose water over pop and things like that; it's hard but I'm slowly doing it.

Sadly, after only a couple days of taking photos each day, my camera broke!! :(
So until I get a camera to take photos with, or have some other clever alternative, I'm going to upload photos that remind of of my day or something that happened... so here are the photos from the last eight days, including today, in order.

I can definitely say that these stupid photos will not line up the way I want them to! But oh well.... what you gonna do?

8 days down, 92 left to go.


Saturday, April 23, 2011


It's arrived worms and germs, the first day of my bucket list! :)

I'm definitely starting right away, at least with the easy stuff like taking my photo a day and reading my books... good thing I just bought a whole bunch from amazon!

I'm excited for this list to start, and I hope it doesn't disappoint.

I will be checking in with what's happening every couple days or week, posting my photos and what I've accomplished.



p.s. I got my second job yesterday too! I'm a server at Kelsey's now. SO STOKED!

Friday, April 22, 2011


ever thought that you made a huge mistake, but you never realized it until now? and the worse part is, you can't do anything to change it? all because it's too late to make it right...?

my life has made me ponder on sleepless nights like last night, and i sometimes think i did such a thing.

i dislike my indecisive qualities.

it makes me question my decisions that at one point was exactly what i wanted.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

dealing with a life in shambles.

you could say i have a knack for having my life in shambles, seeing that it never feels like it ends in my little world. every time i feel as though i patch a crack in the pavement on my sanity, life does a 360 and shambles it up all over again. thankfully, i have figured out a way to patch the cracks quite nicely.

obviously you gotta just tell yourself "this SUCKS right now" and not waste your time pretending to be happy. act sad when you're sad and happy when you're happy... you don't wanna wallow in your sulky feelings, but tell yourself it exists so you can move on. the best way to do that is to remember who you actually are and who you were. reclaim all those things near and dear to your heart and stand up, proud, of being.... YOU!

once you settle all of that, you can try to clean things up by scheduling yourself (strictly or not), reaching out to those you love you can help you get over your hurdles, and fix all the problems. try to fix the most stressful things first, so everything else feels that much easier and less crazy.

help someone else, try new things,  take care of your inside and your out, and don't run your mouth about the person or situation that's shambling your brain! worse comes to worst, look into the future and see that what's turning everything upside down is most likely a small hiccup in your crazy life.

Friday, April 15, 2011

wishing back my childhood.

ice cream competitions to see who has the most rolos in their ice cream cone.
competing for the better position at work.

building a fort out of nothing but blankets, pillows, and couch cushions.
stepping into your first apartment.

trying to catch fireflies in a mason jar in the middle of the night.
going out to the best club/bar in town.

staying up all night to watch your favourite tv show.
staying up all night to finish your twelve page paper, due in six hours.

working hard at school to make your parents proud.
working hard at school to keep your scholarship.

calling everyone in your class your friends.
joining a sorority and making a whole new group of life-long friends.

fighting with someone for cheating at tag.
getting into a fight with your significant other for god knows why.

watching the clock, just waiting for recess to start.
staring at the clock, waiting to get home, and maybe take a nap. 

eating so much candy that your tongue is multi-coloured and your cheeks ache.
...... well, some things never change. <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

show me the money.

hey hey hey!
i am the new proud owner of a part time job doing what i love. hanging out with kids, getting to act like a kid, and getting to play games! and did i mention it's a job? so i'm getting paid to do this?
yes siree, i'm an arts and crafts instructor for Learn to Play, working with kids of all ages, grades 1-6 mostly. at this very moment i am teaching them how to make all different cute little things with clay, but they also do yoga, dancing, sports, everything! man, i wish they had something like this when i was a kid...

but i am excited, and just cannot wait for my next job too :)


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Summer Bucket List 2011

Hello boys and girls, it's me. I've been working on and looking forward to this list for a long time now... I started creating it slowly one of those restless nights that I always talk about. You know, the ones where you have the "I need to do something" and "Why am I not doing something creative right now?" thoughts come into play between those ears. The summer bucket list I have established for myself took a couple days to complete, but I did it. It's nothing fancy. It's nothing epic. It's nothing for anyone, except for me. Yes, there's some things on there that probably sound pretty pathetic, stupid, or crazy to other people, but it's not meant to entertain others. It's there to help make sure I live my summer to its fullest, and keep from saying "I'm boooorredddd..." each sunny day.

The list I have on my wall, to check off all I've done!

So here is my Summer Bucket List 2011:
~ Read at least 5 books, cover to cover
~ Do a romantic gesture
~ Treat Mom/Dad
~ Learn a new skill
~ Get a piercing and/or tattoo
~ Try a new food
~ Go skydiving or bungee jumping
~ Go to a theme or water park
~ Go somewhere new
~ See a live band
~ Volunteer at least once
~ Take a photo every day
~ Swim in a lake
~ See fireworks
~ Have an all-day movie marathon
~ Conquer a fear
~ Send a letter in the mail
~ Break a law (shhh!)
~ Act like a 5 year old
~ Go yardsaling
~ Get into better shape
~ Build a fort
~ Make something by hand
~ Go to a restaurant in the middle of the night
~ Raid a thrift store
~ Buy something ridiculous
~ Go to a big city
~ Get a makeover done
~ Create a work of art
~ Feel beautiful for a whole day
~ Dance in the rain
~ Play on a playground
~ Spend time with my sisters (XiDeltaTheta<33)
~ Dress fancy, reason or not
~ Do something memorable
~ Cast a spell
~ Wear lots of dresses
~ Party til the sun goes down
~ Save $$$
~ Finish this list in 100 days

So I only gave myself a few guidelines with this list. One. Follow the last thing on the list, 100 days. I chose from April 23rd to July 31st. So I have 13 days until I start to conquer my list. Two. If not all the things are finished, make sure to do the important ones. Three. Have fun with it, that was the whole point of this list.

Wish me luck, boys and girls. This is (hopefully) going to be a summer I never forget.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

RIP Greek :(

Well boys and girls, one of my favourite shows has come to a rushed end, creating a sense of confusion for me... Why would they end an amazing show when it had so much left to discuss? Will it be gone forever? Will there be a spin off? What happens to everyone? What am I supposed to do during my evenings?!  This show has been my escape for about the last month, when I started back from the beginning and going through, two or three episodes at a time.

I am saddened for the fact you feel so close to all the characters they create... they did an amazing job. Cappy is the guy you've always wanted, Casey is the girl you wish you were (mistakes and all), Ashleigh is the best friend you always wanted (same with Calvin), Rusty is your brotha from anotha motha, Evan and Rebecca keep everything interesting, and Dale is... well, Dale!

This was a show that showed a different side of college life. Being in the Greek world myself, I had an even more personal feel within the show. I don't wanna have too much of a spoiler for those who have not seen the finale, but let me just tell you i teared up... It was SO. SAD!

What did you like about it, other than it's pure awesomeness?


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

what's your mood?

hey boys and girls, i have something a little different i'd like to share... it's a bunch of sites that can keep you occupied, depending on your mood.

scared? try six billion secrets

in a cute mood? try daily cute

wanna laugh at people? try unfriendable or even smartph[owned]

bored out of your mind? you'd definitely appreciate the time-wasting abilities of stumbleupon
and dear blank, please blank

these are just a couple of my fave alternatives from FML, MLIA, and totalfratmove, but those are also kick ass for procrastinators such as myself :)

happy web-surfing!


Monday, April 4, 2011

signed, an irritated sister.

dear world,

i understand that most people have no clue what reeaaally happens within a sorority. that you probably think all we do is drink and party and do stupid shit like that. well boys and girls, i'm here to tell you different.
a sorority is much more than what meets the eye. yes, in some countries they are surrounded by girls who are only there because of daddy's money, but in ottawa we play by different rules. we want girls who are fun, intelligent, who aren't afraid to be themselves and want to make life long friends, and possibly even make a mark in the community.
you all probably think i sound odd as can be, but being a fellow sister myself, i know better. i joined xi delta theta sorority a year ago blind, not knowing what to expect. through my time pledging and becoming a sister, i learned what it's like being in a huge spider web of connections and friends and opportunities.
yes, people will still judge us. but i know it's because: A) you have no idea what a real sorority is, just a cinematic wannabe version; B) you're jealous you were never in one, or you didn't get into one; or C) you just love being a hater. well boys and girls, which one is it?
all i know is being in a sorority is more than you probably realize, and it's definitely become one of the best things to ever happen to me. and when it comes to being in a sorority, i'm not going anywhere, anytime soon.

signed, an irritated sister.

Friday, April 1, 2011

wanted: outlet.

i keep finding myself staring at the clock, not knowing what to do... needing to do something. i have been looking for an outlet to help with my restlessness when i'm not at work, but it's not working out so well.
i bought canvases and art supplies.... which only lasted about an hour. then i was restless again.
i have been doing scrapbooking type things with old magazines..... again, only about an hour of entertainment.
thankfully i am currently indulged in my book shipment than finally came in yesterday! i'm in the process of reading "Hate List" by Jennifer Brown, and it's really good so far, but i'm only 4 chapters in.
i wanna learn a new skill... like knitting, or sewing, or something else creative.
what should i do?

hahaha. or maybe i should just try and find a best friend to fill up my time?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


those birthday candles every year. the first star of the night sky, or that shooting star over your head. that four-leaf clover you found while playing in the grass. the bigger half of the wishbone. blowing away a fallen eyelash. seeing the clasp of your necklace break. blowing away all the seeds off a dandelion. picking up a penny that was heads up.

please do your job. make the wishes of all those who care to dream happen.

you'd be surprised what could come true...

"i wish i may, i wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight" <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


i finally did it. something i've been waiting to do for 3 years. GET MY TATTOO!
i've wanted so many for so long, and i finally went with a friend. we went to Living Color in downtown Ottawa, where i've gotten an industrial and a labret piercing before. i was super excited and couldn't wait! obviously, when jamie (the tattoo artist) started to clean my foot, i got nervous.
it hurt soooo much! i mean, there's no fat, all bone and nerves. she described it as "scratching a sunburn really hard with your nails".... pretty accurate i would say. but it was worth it!
best quote from me during the experience: "omfg, that one hurt. uuugh, i could give child birth after this!"

needless to say, it looks amazing and i am in love with it.

xo Jay

Monday, March 28, 2011

starting fresh.

i used to have a blog on here from a year or so ago.
i decided to delete all those posts because i was different back then, and i posted a different type of blog than i want to now. i want to express my random thoughts and inquiries floating around in my mind that no one wants to listen to at home. as positive as possible, i want to just babble and rant of those things that impact my life or intrigue my senses for whatever reason.
it's strange to start all over at two in the morning one random spring night, but i've decided i need this. as my outlet for my restlessness. for my creativity when the bug bites. for my concerns or woes when i need to vent.

this could be the beginning of a new internet addiction.

xo jay.